assembling georgia
assembling georgia
a novel by Beth Carpel   

Beth Carpel is a writer and photographer.
Originally from Washington, DC,
she has lived in
various parts of
the country, in-
cluding some
formative years
in Minnesota.
She now lives in
northern Nevada.
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Some readers' comments about Assembling Georgia:

Beth Carpel's debut novel, Assembling Georgia,  reminds us of what so many authors today
seem to lack — the gift of storytelling.
Derek Emerson, Blogcritics

A fine and recommended read. (five stars!)
Midwest Book Review

Assembling Georgia is written with deliberate movement, emotional intensity, and
characters that linger even after the final page. ...Sometimes when I read a book, my head is
filled with other things, only partially committed to the words on the page. With Assembling
Georgia, it was almost like someone put a filter on the world around me. Everything got
quiet. And I read.
Reading for Sanity, book review blog

People always ask me what's a good read, and lately I've been telling them, "There's this new
book, it's called Assembling Georgia and it's about motorcycles." And people say,
"Motorcycles?" I tell them, "You've just got to read it; it's excellent!"
Rosemary Manchester, A Novel Idea, KRCB radio

It's just wonderful.  I finished it today and I loved every word of it.  I'm still reeling with thoughts
and feelings from it.
Heidi Dixon, Eugene Oregon

I LOVED the book -- couldn't put it down once I got started.... I fell in love with all the
characters.... I should tell you - I read a LOT.  There are not many books I can count among my
"favorites" but I'll be telling everyone about this one.
Peggy Thompson, Las Vegas, Nevada

From this morning at 8:30 to this evening at 7 I read your book in one swoop. My head is still full
of it! There was no way that i could stop and pause - it just grabbed me and didn't let me go until
i was done. I NEEDED to know how it would end!!  
Monika Zschaebitz, San Francisco, California

And from a pre-publication assessment: ...
an absolutely gorgeous novel that had me gripped from
the first page to the last. ...the characters are all real, moving, heartbreaking and sympathetic.
The author has a blazing talent for bringing them all to life. ...a phenomenal talent.
Beth Carpel
Suggested retail price $14.99
Literary Fiction
Trim size 5.25 x 8 Trade Paperback
Page count 314
ISBN 978-1-4392-2397-0